January 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Lela ! :)

8 January 2011 .
We're wishing you Happy Birthday Farlela ! 
Hope kau panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki ..
sorry lahh lmbt post kt blog cause masing2 tade mase nk update .. hehe
and sorry jgak cause kteorg tak bg ape2 pun kt kau ..
but the important is , kteorg akan sentiasa mendoakan kau .. 
hehe , sayang kau lela ! <3 <3

1 comment:

  1. hehe ! thx korunk..
    adiah? xpew... yg penting korunk sudi sambut ngn aq :)
    thx my friends !!
    alwys luv u guys !!!
    syg ko jgk ! <3<3<3
